the hives

美 [ðə haɪvz]英 [ðə haɪvz]
  • 网络麻疹乐队;蜂窝合唱团;蜂窝乐团
the hivesthe hives
  1. The hives and trees are often destroyed during collection .


  2. And helped him stop the hives from reaching earth .


  3. I 'm planning to turn over a hundred of the hives to pollen production .


  4. So , the hives occurred right after you kissed George .


  5. If we don 't sell the hives they 'll be thrown on our hands .


  6. The hives will be replaced because of mites or an ageing or dead queen .


  7. The hives are opening hyperspace windows .


  8. A scent of honey wafted up from the hives .


  9. With no longer a companion to distract her , Tess fell more deeply into reverie than ever , her back leaning against the hives .


  10. But after they 'd set up the hives , Mr. Nelson watched the bees fly in and out and was amazed at what the two had accomplished .


  11. It is not necessary to wear gloves or a beekeeper 's veil because the hives are not being opened and the bees should remain relatively quiet .


  12. She made him a sort of nest in front of the hives , in such a manner that he could not fall , and , taking the reins into her own hands , jogged on as before .


  13. I thought I 'd made a big mistake , ' he says . But after they 'd set up the hives , Mr. Nelson watched the bees fly in and out and was amazed at what the two had accomplished .


  14. I came up with the name Hives for Lives and we started our business with the bees .


  15. The state hives off chunks of land in plots so large that only the biggest developers can bid for it .


  16. Secondly , I need to know if you can send your technician for assembly & installation of the bee hives and training of my local operator .


  17. Remember that placing Reactors ( Power Plants ) in front of the Buzzer Hives will keep them safe from fire while they can still go around and take out infantry .


  18. Signs and symptoms usually develop within minutes and may include tingling in the mouth , hives , swelling of the lips , face , tongue and throat , wheezing or breathing difficulties , dizziness , abdominal pain , diarrhea , nausea or vomiting .


  19. Kerry Fountain has often found propolis-encased mice in the bottom of his hives .


  20. A few years back , folks started showing up in emergency rooms in the southeast U.S. with hives , swelling or worse - anaphylaxis - after eating red meat .


  21. The construction of the hives must meet certain required specification and dimensions that are very critical in making the hives homely for the bees during and after colonization of the apiary .


  22. You know the potato field next to the hives ?


  23. The really diligent student in one of the crowded hives of Cambridge College is as solitary as a dervish in the desert .


  24. When that happens the service determines which application have handles opened to the hives and releases them .


  25. After the honey is drained , they re-attach the frames inside the hives so that bees can start making honey all over again .


  26. The dragons are rallying their champions to descend into the nightmarish hives beneath Ahn'Qiraj and to finish what they have begun .


  27. This time , not only is the retreat more common , but nearby bees seem strangely reluctant to enter the abandoned hives .


  28. The results were as follow : 1 . The melittin was isolated and purified through polydextran gel G-25 , G-50 , G-75 combined with hemolysis test from venom of honeybee ( Apis mellifera lijustica ) workers which was collected by QF-1 Bee Venom Collector in the top of hives .
